Changes to the ears can occur for many reasons. For many, various medical conditions can impair our hearing. For others, the aging process can deprive us the ability to perform well when we need to most. Tens of millions of Americas report various issues hearing, including in the presence of background noise, on the television, or with soft speakers. Hearing aids allow the user the opportunity to drastically improve in conditions like these, vastly improving communication and quality of life. Coastal Ear, Nose, and Throat has a vast array of options to assist all hearing needs.

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What Are The Benefits of Hearing Aids?

Hearing loss has social, professional, and health impacts. Multiple studies have shown that unaddressed hearing loss can lead to social isolation, loneliness, and depression. Perhaps due to the lack of interpersonal interaction, hearing loss is also linked to cognitive decline and dementia. Wearing hearing aids is about more than improving hearing. When you can hear and understand what others are saying, you are more involved in your life. You can carry on conversations and connect with colleagues and those you love. Hearing well reduces your risk of accidents and also fosters long-term cognitive health.

Hearing Aids

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Hearing Aids

All hearing aid models contain a microphone to pick up sound, a processor that analyzes the sound (filtering out unwanted sounds like excess wind noise, for example, while amplifying desired sounds), and a receiver (or speaker) to deliver the amplified sound deep inside the ear. A battery powers the unit, and it can be rechargeable or disposable. The latest models also connect to devices like smartphones, tablets and laptops to allow direct delivery of streamed sound through the hearing aid.

How hearing aids are different

Hearing aids made especially for infants and kids work very similarly to adult hearing aids, with a few key differences:

Hearing aids are made to be more durable than adult models. Children can put a lot of wear and tear on hearing aids.
Hearing aids are always compatible with FM/DM systems and other assistive devices. For school-age kids, Adults this is especially important to facilitate communication and learning.
Battery cases on Hearing aids are tamper-resistant. Batteries can be harmful if handled incorrectly or swallowed.
Hearing aid cases often include a special LED light that indicates the unit is working. This feature allows parents and teachers quick checks of the devices.

Hearing aid fitting

Almost all children are fit with behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids, regardless of the amount of hearing loss. There are small BTE sizes made specifically for children to ensure that the device will have a secure fit. The hearing aids deliver sound to the ear through a soft, plastic earmold that fits snugly in the outer ear, or a dome. Earmolds and domes can be easily replaced as the child grows bigger without the expense of replacing the actual hearing aids.