Looking for a hearing healthcare professional to diagnose and treat your auditory system? We have the best audiologist available for you at our centre Kaanwale.com. Our best audiologist in Delhi, NCR is a qualified audiology professional who is trained in diagnosing, treating, and monitoring hearing loss, tinnitus, and balance disorder.

If you are facing any hearing-related issues, do visit the best audiologist in Delhi, NCR to test your hearing ability and get the treatment for hearing loss. Our audiologist will help you in dispensing and fitting hearing aids, map cochlear, and bone-anchored hearing implants.

Our best audiologist in Delhi, NCR is to suggest you do and don'ts in hearing loss, tinnitus, and communication repair strategies. We have a well-equipped clinical laboratory available with state-of-the-art diagnosis and treatment for hearing loss at our best hearing treatment clinic Kaanwale.com.

Our audiologists are also trained in hearing disorders in kids and infants so you can visit Kaanwale.com to get your newborn or child for screening and treatment.

In our audiology clinic, we are diagnosing and treating hearing loss, tinnitus, and balance disorders, offering comprehensive hearing tests, availing different hearing aids, coaching and consulting for auditory rehabilitation and communication programs, and assisting for cochlear implants and bone-anchored hearing systems.

Our best audiologist in Delhi, NCR are trained in anatomy and physiology of hearing, gross anatomy, epidemiology, statistics and research methods, physics of sound (acoustics), diseases of the nervous system and ear, audiological assessment, pediatric audiology, prevention of hearing loss.

We have best audiology specialist available for dispensing hearing aids, counselling in hearing loss prevention, speechreading, and several other visual communication techniques.

Many people around the globe are facing hearing disorders. It can be the loss of one or both ears from a mild or severe disorder. Hearing loss can happen due to many causes at any age, mostly in people of age 55 and above. But, you or your loved one don't have to suffer from hearing loss anymore. Because Kaanwale.com has come up with the best audiologist in Delhi, NCR to help you to diagnose, consult, and treat hearing disorders.

We have quality hearing aids available at the best market price. So, no more nervousness we have the best audiology specialists available to help you with symptoms, causes, tests, treatments and prevention of hearing loss.

When Should You Consult With An Audiologist :
Symptoms of hearing disorders can vary from person to person according to type, cause of the disorder, and degree of disorder. It can be a high-frequency hearing loss for some and can be hard to hear higher-pitched sounds for others.
You should consult the best audiologist in Delhi, NCR if you are facing any of these difficulties:

Difficulty in understanding day to day conversation
Feeling someone is speaking around but not able to understand
You have to increase the volume of TV or phone
You are often asking others to repeat
When feels like not to participate in a social situation which you used to enjoy
Getting exhausted listing to people after a while
Facing communication difficulty in noisy areas like in a crowd of restaurants and meetings.
Feeling ringing or buzzing sounds in your ears

Visit the best audiologist in Delhi and resume your beautiful experience of hearing.
There are many causes of hearing loss. Most of the time they are age-related like when you reach 60 or around, you’ve been living in an excessive noise environment for long, like listening to loud music consistently, or loud machinery or gunfire, hearing loss can be genetic when you have a genetic history of hearing disorder, severe heart disease or diabetes can also cause hearing loss.

Sometimes, it can be due to certain medications or drugs, head injury, illness like Meniere’s disease, otosclerosis, or autoimmune, and acoustic neuroma.

Our best audiologist in Delhi will diagnose the cause of your hearing loss and help you with the best treatment for sensorineural hearing loss, conductive hearing loss, and mixed hearing loss.

We are conducting these simple painless tests in our centre kaanwale.com.
If you are facing any difficulty in hearing or suspect that you might have a hearing disorder, don't hesitate to visit the best audiologist in Delhi, NCR. We conduct simple and painless hearing tests at our centre to understand the cause of hearing loss and offer the best treatment for hearing disorders.
Our hearing healthcare professional will ask you certain questions to understand the history, cause, and type of the disorder. We conduct different types of hearing tests at our centre to examine the different parts of the auditory system.
We also have specialized hearing tests for infants and toddlers. Most of the hearing tests are conducted in a sound-treated room with headphones.
Also, a hearing care expert will conduct a visual test of your ear canals and eardrums using an otoscope (a kind of lighted medical instrument) to detect physical disturbance like earwax causing hearing loss.
Sometimes, the best audiologists in Delhi will need to conduct a pure tone audiometry test to examine how much hearing you have lost and what all are the frequencies affected.
We will also conduct a speech test pronouncing repeated words to understand if you have a mild hearing disorder or profound.
To understand the functions of the eardrum a tympanometry test will be conducted using soft foam earplugs.

After assessing your hearing ability by conducting certain tests our best audiologist in Delhi, NCR will help you with the right treatment for hearing loss.

Hearing loss treatments
Most hearing losses are treatable. Our best audiologist in Delhi, NCR will help you with the finding right treatment for your hearing disorder. They will know the type, severity, and cause of the hearing loss. Then understand your communications needs as per your lifestyle and cosmic preferences and then suggest the best treatment for you.
Our audiologist will help you with the medication for some conductive types of hearing disorders and some can be treated with minor surgeries. We have the best hearing aids for most sensorineural hearing losses. We also provide cochlear implants as per the type and severity of your hearing loss.

“Our best audiologist in Delhi suggests avoiding excessive noise if you already have a hearing disorder.”
If you suspect your child has hearing loss do visit our best audiologist in Delhi, NCR who specializes in pediatric audiology. The hearing disorder is harmful to everyone but especially for children, it can be a hindrance in their growth, learning, and development.
In children, congenital factors, head trauma, medications, childhood illnesses, persistent middle ear infections, deformities of the ear canal or malfunctioning eardrums can cause hearing loss. But, you don't have to worry, our best audiologists in Delhi are here to help your child with the best treatment for hearing disorders.

Audiological Evalution

Pure Tone Audiometry
Special Test-TD SISI ABLB
Impendance Audiometry